The Misty Forest

The other day I went to one of my favorite places in the local mountains. I could see from home that the mountains were in the clouds. When I got there and throughout the rest of the afternoon I wandered through the misty forests of Palomar Mountain. What a treat! It was one of those days when you feel in sync and one moment flows to the next with ease.

The Misty Forest
Creek in the Forest
Trail at Doane Pond
Branching Oak

To see the rest of the photos, click here.

May Garden

During the month of May, I purchased milkweed to attract monarch butterfly caterpillars and they came! I have enjoyed watching them and reflecting on their amazing metamorphosis. I was just reading how their body dissolves inside the chrysalis as the transformation occurs. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to capture the change …yet. Here are some of the flowers, caterpillars, and other critters from my garden.

Tasty Buds
Green Chrysalis
Drops on an Iris
Yellow African Daisy
Grasshopper on Kangaroo Paws

Click here to see the rest of my photos collection from May Garden.