Dancing Aspens

These aspens were another of my favorite places to visit in Colorado. On my first visit I just wanted to find where they were. I took a few photos that day as the rain started to fall.

Dancing Aspens in the Rain

I timed the following visit to catch the morning backlight coming through the aspen. It turns out lots of other photographers, including two separate workshop groups, had the same idea. Unfortunately, I didn’t get too many photos since I was very conscious about stepping in front of people and getting into their shots. The amazing thing is that I knew three people there and when the workshop group left two more people I knew showed up. Amazing! It was like a party and I had fun. By that time, I had been there a few hours and the light was getting harsh.

The Five Dancers – I shot this hand-held at f/11 on my second visit. I should have used a tripod and focus stacked to get sharp focus throughout.

On my third visit, there was another workshop group there, but they left early leaving just myself and two other photographers to work the scene. I finally got to explore for compositions in a relaxed atmosphere.

Dancing Aspens – This is a focus stack of four images to get it all in focus.
Center Stage and Dancing Aspen
The Twist

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