Lake Henshaw in the Fog

In early December I saw a forecast for a foggy morning at Lake Henshaw. I have captured some of my favorite shots at this lake, so I hoped I could capture something different. I was thrilled when I was able to find scenes that I had not imagined before. At this time of year, some of the willows are barren of leaves, but others still have fall color. Very beautiful.

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Ghosts – I started my morning waiting for the fog to thin to allow a clearer view of these three willows. While I waited, I took several shots of these trees with a long exposure to smooth out the water, but I liked this one best with the water ripples, 1/3 second exposure.

After waiting more than an hour I decided to explore for more compositions and found the scene below,

Willow & Reeds – As I worked my way along the shore of the lake I found this cluster of willows.
Broken – A raft of coots swim by a willow with a bent limb. When I saw them swimming in the direction of this tree, I set up to photograph them as they swam by.
Titans – I imagine these trees are having some sort of dialogue or relationship between them.

After photographing for a few hours, the fog began to thin. I quickly tried to get back to the first scene with the three willows. But I didn’t make it. By the time I got there the fog had completely dissipated. It changes fast.

Colorado Autumn

Here are the rest of my photos from early October in Colorado.

In early October a cold storm passed through for a day coating the peaks in snow and creating some moody conditions for photographs. I love taking pictures on the edge of a storm where the light can break though the darkness of the storm. I caught some of my favorite photos of the Sneffels Range as the storm cleared out the morning after.

Rainbow in an Brown Field – This one was taken just before sunset on the day the storm was occurring.
Sneffels Range Panorama Sunrise
Riding the Updraft – Clouds part around Mount Sneffels (14,158 feet). Several large birds appear as specks to the left of the peak.
Transitions- This view shows several stages of transition between autumn and winter.
Autumn Impressions – This one was taken in a different area as the storm approached.