Fallen Giants

Forests always have down trees that are toppled for one reason or another. It is hard to imagine the length of these trees as they stretch across the forest floor. Sometimes you can climb up on a fallen trunk and walk it’s length.

To view the full collection from the coastal redwoods 2023, click here.

Fallen Giant No. 1
Fallen Giant No. 2
Fallen Giant #3
Bear Paw
Fallen Giant No. 4 – This one is from the Humboldt Redwoods, taken in June 2021

Before leaving the northern coastal redwoods, I drove up into the hills above the redwoods. What a treat! I loved the fields of Lupine and the twisted oak trees in the meadows. From what I hear, this year’s lupine bloom was not spectacular, but it was still beautiful. As I captured the shot below, the coastal fog was quickly moving in.

Fields of Lupine

A Walk in the Forest

This was my 3rd season visiting the redwood forests along the northern California coast.

To portray the scale of these giants and give a sense of what it is like to walk among them, I choose to include people and the trail in many of my photos. Sometimes I stepped into the frame myself. Other times, I used a companion or someone that was walking by. This is the first of two posts from this collection. The next will focus on fallen giants.

To view my full collection from the coastal redwoods 2023, click here.

A Walk in the Forest #1
A Walk in the Forest #2
Light in the Forest
Still Light
Trail in the Forest
Under the Forest Canopy
Forest Fern